A Unique Santa Experience Your Child Will Remember...
Santa is coming to town early, to check on those good boys and girls before heading to the North Pole. Join us on Sunday, November 13th at the Land O'lakes Heritage Park Community Center for a boutique experience to meet Santa and create some family memories.

What to Expect...
BluEgg Photography is offering a unique experience for your family to get into the holiday spirit! Your family will enjoy crafts and activities, along with the opportunity to shop from a few local holiday vendors. Each family gets a professional portrait session time to meet Santa One on One to tell him how good you've been this year! Your family will also capture a few portraits together to celebrate the joy of the season. Stay for a little and enjoy the activities together, make a crafty gift for a family member, story time with Santa, and most importantly, memories together.
With your $79 family session fee, you receive a keepsake portrait ornament to remember your Visit With Santa experience to hang on the tree for years to come. After Visit with Santa Day, BluEgg Photography will be meeting with each family over Zoom for their ordering appointment to choose their favorite image and additional portrait prints, cards and gifts will be available to purchase and received before Christmas. This is the perfect opportunity to get some of that holiday shopping checked off the list!
Not only is this event a unique experience to create a memory for your family, but a portion of the proceeds from this event will sponsor a local family in need for the holidays, purchasing gifts for children that would otherwise go without a Christmas Celebration.
So, forget the long lines with a bored toddler and crying babies. All that time spent for a few seconds to sit with a grumpy Santa, forced to say "cheese". And experience the true wonder of Christmas with Visit with Santa this year.
There are limited session times for this event to ensure that each family is not rushed to see Santa and capture those perfect holiday smiles. Please, provide the following information for available spots, and Robyn from BluEgg Photography will be calling you shortly to schedule your Santa time!